Emergency Services | October 31, 2017

Royal Commission into Victoria’s fire services

The Nationals Member for Lowan, Emma Kealy MP says a Royal Commission into Victoria’s fire services would restore the confidence of local communities and the region’s CFA volunteers.

The Opposition Leader Matthew Guy and Leader of The Nationals Peter Walsh have made a policy announced that a Liberal Nationals Government would initiate a Royal Commission taking the politics out of the bitter dispute over Victoria’s fire services.

“The pledge for a Royal Commission is about ensuring we protect those who protect us,” Ms Kealy said.

In the past year both the CFA and MFB boards have been replaced, resulting in more than 100 years of experience being lost and raising concerns about operational effectiveness.

“Serious allegations of bullying, intimidation, sexual harassment and discrimination within Victoria’s fire services have been brought to light in a series of reports but completely overlooked by the Andrews Labor Government,” Ms Kealy said.

“A Royal Commission, completely independent of government is vital and urgently required.

“There have been a number of previous attempts at reform of our fire services, as well as attempts to fix cultural and operational problems, but nothing has worked.

“A Royal Commission will critically examine the issues our fire services are facing and come up with evidence based solutions.

“The Nationals will always stand up for CFA volunteers and we will always protect the volunteers who protect us,” she said.

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