Energy | April 12, 2019
Shocking new electricity charges spark concern
The Nationals Member for Lowan Emma Kealy says western Victorian households will be shocked to see their next power bills feature a new itemised charge for ‘off-setting’ the costs of ‘sourcing’ alternative power to meet demand.
“In other words, Victorians will now be able to see the cost to them of Daniel Andrews’ mismanagement of Victoria’s energy supply,” Ms Kealy said.
“Everyone agrees that renewable energy will play a large and important part of our energy future, but the responsibility to ensure the transition to renewable energy is reliable and affordable falls squarely on the Andrews Labor Government.
“The rapid transition to large scale wind and solar generators into the power grid is causing significant problems in ensuring reliability of supply and requiring emergency action and costly interventions on a regular basis to make sure the lights are staying on.
“Labor has no plan to manage this transition and the $51 million cost of the required interventions is being passed directly on to households and businesses.”
“Once again Daniel Andrews is putting politics over people and once again it is Victorian households and businesses that have to pay the price.
“I will continue to raise this important issue with the Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change until she takes the action required to address the escalating energy crisis facing all Victorians,” Ms Kealy said.