Community facilities Speeches | February 19, 2019

Lowan Electorate - Constituency questions

Victorian Parliament - 19 February 2019 - Ms KEALY (Lowan) (12:48:19): (68) My question is to the Treasurer. Recently the Victorian Labor government have enforced a...

Health Speeches | February 05, 2019

Second Reading - Safe patient care (nurse to patient and midwife to patient ratios)

Victorian Parliament - 5 February 2019 - Ms KEALY (Lowan) (16:32:26): It is a great privilege to be able to speak on this bill, although...

Health Speeches | December 19, 2018

Safe patient care (nurse to patient and midwife to patient ratios)

Victorian Parliament -19 December 2018 - Introduction and first reading.  Ms KEALY (Lowan) (16:50:26): I ask the minister for a brief explanation of the bill....

Speeches | September 04, 2018

Condolences - Hon. William Desmond McGrath

Victorian Parliament - 4 September 2018 - Ms KEALY - Last week Victoria farewelled the Honourable Bill McGrath, former Nationals member for the seats of Lowan and...

Speeches Health | September 04, 2018

Members statements - Family Safety Victoria

Victorian Parliament - 4 September 2018 - Ms KEALY — Simone O’Brien is an amazing woman. Bashed and left for dead by her partner, she is a...

Speeches | August 23, 2018

Residential tenancies amendment bill 2018 - Second reading

Victorian Parliament - 23 August 2018 -Ms KEALY — I am very privileged to be able to speak on the Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill 2018. I had...

Speeches | August 09, 2018

Constituency questions – gas supply monopoly

Victorian Parliament - 9 August 2018 - Ms KEALY - My constituency question is to the Minister for Energy, Environment and Climate Change. Despite many representations to...

Speeches | June 19, 2018

Members Statement - Hon. Bernard Phillip Dunn, OAM

Victorian Parliament - 19 June 2018 - Ms KEALY - I acknowledge the sad passing of Bernie Dunn, OAM. Bernie was a great man and leader for...

Speeches | June 19, 2018

Condolences - Eurydice Dixon

Victorian Parliament - 19 June 18 - Ms KEALY - Last night I stood with 10 000 Victorians in Princes Park with my parliamentary colleagues — the member for Euroa,...

Speeches | May 23, 2018

National Redress Scheme For Institutional Child Sexual Abuse (Commonwealth Powers) Bill 2018 Second Reading

Victorian Parliament - 23 May 2018 - Ms KEALY - It is a privilege for me to make my contribution to the National Redress Scheme for Institutional...
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