| January 18, 2021

Urgent works required on Fyans Creek Road bridge

The Nationals Member for Lowan Emma Kealy has called for a review of signage and an upgrade of the single-lane bridge on Fyans Creek Road near Halls Gap.

When approaching the bridge travelling from Halls Gap towards Horsham there are only two small signs warning drivers that they are approaching a single-lane bridge.

The first sign reads ‘one lane bridge’ and the second sign closer to the approach advises ‘no overtaking or passing’.

Visibility is also a concern, as oncoming traffic approaching from the Horsham direction cannot be seen due to a bend in the road.

There are no white lines anywhere on the approach to or on the bridge itself.

Ms Kealy believes Fyans Creek Road is being used increasingly by tourists, with Google Maps directing traffic from Horsham to Halls Gap via this route. The road is also a school bus route.

Ms Kealy is fearful that it is only a matter of time before a major accident occurs.

“I regularly travel along this road and have observed a significant increase in the number of tourists, cyclists and transports using this road,” she said.

“My office first reported this issue in 2015 but no action has been taken.

“I am extremely concerned that it is only a matter of time before there is an accident or, even worse, a fatality.

“I am calling for a major review of signage on the approach to the bridge and the widening of the bridge to two lanes before there is a tragedy.”

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