Sport and Recreation | November 01, 2019

VicHealth grants to boost participation in sport

The Nationals Member for Lowan, Emma Kealy has congratulated five regional sporting clubs who will share in over $10,000 under the latest round of VicHealth Active Club Grants funding.

 “Our local sporting clubs and associations play such an important role in our community,” Ms Kealy said.

 “Active Club Grants help to create more fantastic opportunities for people of all ages, genders and abilities to get active and enjoy the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.

 “Being involved in community sport is a great outlet for everyone, where you can make new friends while improving your own health and wellbeing at the same time.”

 The following clubs will use their grants to create opportunities for less active people in the community to get involved in sport:

 Casterton Croquet Club will introduce All Abilities Croquet, a modified version of croquet that suits indoor activities at locations such as hospitals and nursing homes ($2,070)

  • Glenelg Pony Club will introduce a dressage program designed to re-engage women into equestrian sports, including the parents of existing junior riders ($2,750)
  • Horsham Sunnyside Bowling Club will introduce Bowls Australia’s Junior Jack Attack Program for children and adults to experience bowls in a new short and sharp version of the game that makes it fun, social and entertaining ($1,544)
  • Lake Bolac & District Bowling Club will introduce social bowls nights for older adults and retirees; and also provide bowls opportunities for exercise groups and school groups ($2,955)
  • Lake Bolac & District Little Athletics is introducing Little Athletics Victoria’s OnTrack Program, a modified athletics program focused on fun and teaching fundamental motor skills of running, jumping, hopping and throwing in a non-competitive environment ($1,290).

“It is important we continue to open up avenues for more people to get involved in sport and I congratulate and offer my full support to all these clubs for their initiatives to achieve this,” Ms Kealy said.

More information about VicHealth’s Active Clubs Grants Program is available at



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