Roads | May 10, 2017
Vicroads Services
Victorian Parliament - 10 May 2017 - Ms KEALY - Labor continually ignores rural and regional Victoria when it comes to our roads, but it is a further disappointment that the city‑centric Minister for Roads and Road Safety now appears to be determined to restrict VicRoads services in country Victoria by stealth. My office has had numerous reports of locals being told they must travel hundreds of kilometres to undertake an assessment with a VicRoads occupational therapist at a cost of hundreds of dollars. A Hamilton woman with multiple sclerosis was told that she had to go to Geelong for an assessment, a woman from Edenhope had to travel over 300 kilometres to Ballarat, and a man in Penshurst had to pay $900 for an assessment in Hamilton. What is the minister doing to improve access to VicRoads occupational therapists in rural and regional Victoria, including consideration of the very high expense for some of our most vulnerable community members?