Public Transport | January 31, 2018
Visit to cancer specialist means 2-night stay
The Nationals Member for Lowan, Emma Kealy MP continues to be inundated with stories from local residents about poor public transport services in western Victoria.
A Kaniva cancer patient who does not drive contacted Ms Kealy to advise that the current V/Line timetable does not allow her to travel to Ballarat to see her specialist without having to spend two nights away from home.
The current V/Line service departs Kaniva at 12noon, arriving in Ballarat at 4.55pm. The return service departs Ballarat at 9.42am, arriving in Kaniva at 2.45pm leaving no time in Ballarat on either day for her specialist appointment.
“This lady needs to travel to Ballarat at least every three months, sometimes monthly, to see her cancer specialist and has no choice but to stay two nights”, Ms Kealy said.
“Her only other option is to impose on family and friends to drive her to Ballarat, something she is reluctant to do as she is very conscious of maintaining her independence.
“Western Victoria’s public transport services are seriously lacking and the further west you travel the worse it gets.
“The simple fact is that for western Victoria to get moving again we need better access to public transport”, she said.
Ms Kealy is asking local people to keep sharing their stories to help get local voices heard in Parliament about how better public transport services would improve the lives of the 110,000 people who live in western Victoria.
To tell your story and have your say visit or phone Emma Kealy’s electorate office on 5382 0097 or 5571 9800.