Youth | September 16, 2015
Visit to focus on youth
Nationals Member for Lowan Emma Kealy will host a visit to the electorate next week by Steph Ryan, Deputy Leader of The Nationals, Shadow Minister for Young Victorians and Shadow Minister for Training Skills & Apprenticeships.
“I’m grateful for the time Steph is giving to allow our local training and youth services the opportunity to discuss and highlight important issues facing regional Victoria,” Ms Kealy said.
Emma Kealy and Steph Ryan will visit the Hamilton and Horsham areas on Thursday, 24 September 2015 to speak with youth training and community service providers to discuss areas where support is needed.
“Early intervention programs, education, mentoring and metal health are all topics on the agenda for discussion,” Ms Kealy said.
“It is so important that we have the opportunities and accessible services available in regional Victoria to support our youth and for them to be given opportunities regardless of whether they live in the city or the country.
“Our next generation of leaders deserve quality training, leadership and social opportunities, and it is important we have sufficient resources and programs to provide this.
“Quality youth opportunities will also assist in attracting new families to regional Victorian to ensure our communities continues to grow and prosper,” Ms Kealy said.
Steph Ryan said that she is looking forward to meeting with community members and services providers to give them a chance to highlight some of the great assets and programs in the region.