Public Transport Speeches | May 28, 2019

Western Victoria Passenger Rail Services

Victorian Parliament - 28 May 2019 - Ms KEALY (Lowan) (19:03:55): (659) My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Public Transport, and the action that I seek is for the minister to join me on a return trip, using public transport only, travelling from Hamilton to Horsham. In the lead-up to the 2018 election local people voted to bring back passenger rail to Horsham and Hamilton. Locals also voted to create a new direct coach connection to link Hamilton, Cavendish, Balmoral and Horsham with a return afternoon service. Many locals have contacted me to express their disappointment that there was no mention of returning passenger rail to Horsham and Hamilton in the budget papers circulated yesterday. There was not even a mention of a business case to determine the best way to deliver rail services to our region. We were completely overlooked in terms of improvements to public transport, which is a stark reality check against the Labor Premier’s bold claim that Labor is delivering for all Victorians. So to understand why it is so important that we have access to passenger rail services to both Horsham and Hamilton and to give the minister an opportunity to meet with local public transport users who want better public transport services and connections to western Victorian towns, I invite the minister to join me on a return trip, using public transport only, between the fantastic country communities of Hamilton and Horsham.

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