Grants and awards Agriculture | July 22, 2016

Young farmers encouraged to apply for scholarship

The Nationals Member for Lowan, Emma Kealy MP is encouraging young farmers to apply for new Victorian Government scholarship programs to help build productive and profitable agricultural careers.

“Scholarships of up to $10,000 are available to farmers and farmhands under 35 years of age to help them develop and improve their career progression,” Ms Kealy said.

“Young farmers can access $5,000 for study and a further $5,000 to invest in on-farm or professional development activities to put new skills into practice.

“This is a great opportunity for anyone who is pursuing a career in agriculture and I would encourage young farmers from across our region to apply.

“The Young Farmers Scholarship program has a flexible design to fit in with the demands of farmers and farmhands across the state.

“Some of the eligible courses include human resources, business management, a Diploma in Agriculture, a Diploma of Agribusiness Management and on-farm technical training,” she said.

Applications for the Young Farmers Scholarship program are open until 26 August 2016 with recipients expected to be announced in late October 2016.

More information on the program is available at

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