Youth | September 14, 2017
Youth employment rates fall in North West Victoria
The Nationals Member for Lowan, Emma Kealy MP says the latest data released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics shows the total number of youth employed in North West Victoria remains significantly lower under the Daniel Andrews Labor Government.
While Daniel Andrews is trying to quote regional Victoria has the second lowest regional unemployment rate in the nation, figures show the total number of youth employed in North West Victoria remains significantly down since they came into Government.
Under Daniel Andrews, the total number of youth in employment across North West Victoria has reduced from 13,513 in December 2014 to 11,924 in July 2017, a reduction of 1,589 people.
“Labors ongoing failure to invest in our roads, schools and other government projects means there are fewer jobs for youth in the region,” Ms Kealy said.
“The youth in our part of Victoria have given up looking for work and are simply dropping out or leaving the region to seek employment elsewhere.
“The challenge for Victoria is not just about the number of people, but where these people are choosing to live and how state government can regionalise this growth for the benefit of our whole state”, she said.
The Liberal and Nationals new Victorian Population Policy Taskforce is looking closely at these issues and giving locals a say on the best way to balance population growth across Victoria.
“The Liberal and Nationals are committed to balancing population growth across the entire state, unlike the current Labor Government which is totally focused on Melbourne while country Victoria gets left behind”, Ms Kealy said.
“The current city-centric Andrews Government has no policy to manage and grow the population of regional Victoria.
“Country people living in the Lowan electorate are sick of being treated like second-class citizens by Daniel Andrews’ Labor Government”, she said.