Education | July 31, 2023

Education inquiry launched

Our students’ futures are being prioritised with the launch of a parliamentary inquiry into Victoria’s state education system.

Member for Lowan and Deputy Leader of the Nationals Emma Kealy is urging everyone to have their say, with submissions now open.

“As legislators, as elected members of parliament, it has been a long time – in fact almost 20 years – since there was a serious review of the education system in Victoria,” Ms Kealy said.

“The breadth of this inquiry really focuses on student learning outcomes and student well-being, mental health, and engagement.

“Also, very importantly, it will look at the state of teaching in Victoria – the teacher workforce, the professional development and teacher retention.

“It is important to unpack these issues by listening to people in the field – teachers and educators, principals and school leaders and school councils and, importantly, to parents and past and present students.”

Submissions to the Legislative Parliamentary Legal and Social Issues Committee can be made via the website link below or in written or email format.

Public submissions to the inquiry close on Friday 13 October 2023, with a report to parliament with findings and recommendations due by 25 June 2024.

For more information on the inquiry and to make a submission visit

“I encourage everyone to take this opportunity to have their say on this critical issue for our children’s future,” Ms Kealy said.

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