Agriculture | July 19, 2023
Farm Safety Week a timely reminder
Deputy Leader of the Nationals, Shadow Minister for Agriculture and Member for Lowan Emma Kealy is urging primary producers to put the spotlight on their health and wellbeing during Farm Safety Week.
“Farm Safety Week is a timely reminder for primary producers to remain vigilant when it comes to safety on their farms,” Ms Kealy said.
“Having grown up on a mixed grazing and cropping farm near Edenhope, I understand the multiple safety risks faced by primary producers every day and the vigilance needed to maintain the health and wellbeing of farmers and their families, employees, contractors, and visitors.
“Being a farmer is more than an occupation, it’s a 24-hour, seven day a week commitment, performed in all weather and often alone in remote locations.
“Farm safety cannot be a simple a one-size-fits-all approach, with most farms being both a workplace and someone’s home.
“Understanding the many safety risks that exist and managing them is vital.”
Ms Kealy said that statistics showed that farms are Australia’s most dangerous workplaces, with 55 people tragically losing their life on a farm last year.
“Farm machinery accidents involving tractors and quad bikes dominate the statistics, making up 40 per cent of all farm fatalities.
“Promoting safety, assessing risk, identifying and talking about the dangers of farm work is an important conversation to have to ensure everyone goes home safely at the end of the workday,” she said.
Farm Safety Week runs through until Sunday 23 July 2023.