Community facilities Agriculture | March 29, 2017
Federal Regional Ministerial Taskforce - Letter to the Editor
As Daniel Andrews and his city-centric Labor Government focus effort and funding on Melbourne, it was refreshing to hear the Federal Government announce a new Regional Ministerial Taskforce.
With Victorian Nationals Minister Darren Chester alongside Deputy PM Barnaby Joyce, there’s no doubt that our communities will benefit.
The taskforce will look at initiatives across portfolios including health, education, transport and infrastructure, employment, industries and communications.
This comes at a critical time for Victoria, where regional and rural communities have been neglected over the last two years as Daniel Andrews concentrates on political issues in metropolitan electorates.
The Victorian Liberal-Nationals team is also stepping into the void created by the Premier, with our Population Policy Taskforce continuing work around the state as we tackle the challenges and opportunities that our growing population presents.
At both state and federal levels, The Nationals are working hard to build strong and sustainable regional communities that are attractive places for people to live, work, invest and visit.
Yours sincerely,
Emma Kealy MP
Nationals Member for Lowan