Health | January 13, 2017
Kealy calls for boost in breast screening
The Nationals Member for Lowan, Emma Kealy MP is calling for a boost in local breast screening following the release of participation statistics for the electorate.
“57.5 per cent of women in the Lowan Electorate are reported as having a regular breast screen every two years. This is slightly higher than the state participation rate of 52.3 per cent for women aged between 50 to 74, however well below the state target of 70 per cent” Ms Kealy said.
“I commend local women who make use of the BreastScreen Victoria program and encourage them to continue to prioritise their health.
“This free service can have a substantial impact on people’s lives and a short 10 minute appointment could be live-saving,” she said.
The biggest risk factor for breast cancer is being a woman over 50 years of age, with one in eight Victorian women diagnosed with the disease. 75 per cent of women diagnosed will be over the age of 50, the vast majority of whom will have no family history of the disease.
“Having a breast screen is the best way of finding cancer early before any symptoms are noticed and when treatment is likely to be most successful,” Ms Kealy said.
“Finding cancer early saves lives and I urge more local women to make a breast screen appointment today,” she said.
It is important for all women to know the normal look and feel of their breasts. If you notice any breast changes, nipple discharge or a lump, it is important that you visit your doctor as soon as possible, before you make an appointment at BreastScreen Victoria.
For more information or to book an appointment you can call 13 20 50 or visit