Education | November 02, 2022
Kealy commits to Kaniva College junior courtyard upgrade
The Nationals in government will provide $140,000 for Kaniva College to upgrade its junior courtyard area.
Member for Lowan and Deputy Leader of The Nationals Emma Kealy said the money would be used to replace unsightly, uneven pavers in the area with artificial turf and to transform the space into an outdoor learning space and an area that students could enjoy at lunch and recess. Plans also include the erection of shade cover over the area to ensure it can be used year-round.
The school has been unsuccessful in its applications for state government funding assistance for the project, despite the area not having been upgrade since the school was built in the 1980s and the school’s willingness to contribute $20,000 towards the project.
“All credit to the school community who have worked to improve the area with a Zen Garden, mini sandpit, small blackboard and pencil sculptures using their own money and labour,” Ms Kealy said.
“The Kaniva community is deeply invested in its school, and they deserve quality facilities that will meet the needs of students and staff now and well into the future.
“This courtyard area should be fixed as a priority, and Labor should not be forcing the school to pay for it themselves.
“I am committed to working with the school to ensure that the area can be upgraded and the staff and students provided with a learning space and recreational area they need and deserve.
“The $140,000 allocation from the Nationals and Liberals if elected to government will ensure that can happen.”