Sport and Recreation Grants and awards | February 07, 2017

Kealy – Sporting clubs receive drought proof funding

The Nationals Member for Lowan, Emma Kealy MP congratulates local sporting clubs who have received funding through the Sustainable Water Fund – Community Sport and Recreation Program.

“I congratulate our local sporting club volunteers and community organisations that have taken the time and effort to put together grant applications to help fund important local projects,” Ms Kealy said.

Local groups and organisations have received the following funding:

  • Kaniva College for the Kaniva College Green 15 - $150,000
  • Halls Gap Community Sports Club for the Mt Difficult Golf Course - $150,000
  • Nhill Lawn Tennis Club for synthetic courts - $150,000
  • Yarriambiack Shire Council for a synthetic green at the Rupanyup Bowling Club - $140,000
  • Horsham Primary School for revitalisation of Rasmussen grounds - $97,285
  • West Wimmera Shire Council for sustaining Harrow Football, Netball and Community - $86,640
  • Yarriambiack Shire Council for irrigation supply at Warracknabeal Anzac Park - $59,000
  • Horsham Rural City Council for water efficiency at the Horsham Sunnyside Bowling Club - $40,000
  • Horsham Saints Cricket Club for a rainwater tank- $8,436

“I am proud to have actively supported these local projects which will make a big difference to our local sporting clubs and community groups,” Ms Kealy said.

“Let's not forget that you can only get government funding after putting a lot of time and effort into submitting an application, work which is often undertaken by volunteers. 

“It's our valuable local volunteers who come up with these great ideas, write the grant application and build community support that really deserve to be celebrated. Their passionate commitment to make our community a better place is deeply appreciated. 

“Sport builds a sense of community, particularly in regional areas where it is one of the best ways for our local communities to get together, socialise and catch up on the news of the week.

“As well as the physical benefits of preventing illness, getting active helps maintain mental wellbeing, keeping us alert and resilient against the stresses of modern life.

“Again, I congratulate local grant recipients and I encourage other local sporting clubs and community organisations to apply for future funding opportunities,” she said. 

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