Agriculture Community facilities | December 01, 2016

Mobile phone towers for Wartook, Laharum and Yaapeet

The Nationals Member for Lowan, Emma Kealy MP is congratulating local community efforts which have secured new mobile phone towers for the Wartook Valley, Laharum and Yaapeet.

“I am proud that after extensive lobbying and by our rural communities working closely with Government at local, State and Federal levels, that the Wartook Valley, Laharum and Yaapeet will receive improved mobile telecommunication services,” Ms Kealy said.

“I have previously written to the State Minister calling for funding to secure the construction of telecommunication towers in remote areas to ensure the safety of residents and visitors.

“Mobile phone coverage is vital in rural and regional areas, particularly due to isolation.

“For the Laharum and Wartook Ranges, improved mobile phone service will support increased tourism, the large investment made towards the Grampians Peaks Trail and warnings during bush fire events.

“I congratulate the Horsham Rural City Council, the Yarriambiack Shire Council, Federal Member for Mallee Mr Andrew Broad and the wider community who have all worked together to see this great result.

“This outcome is an excellent example of our rural communities providing strong support in partnership with local agencies to make a positive difference to our local area,” she said.

The new mobile phone towers will be delivered under round two of the Federal Government’s mobile blackspot program.

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