Emergency Services | January 16, 2023

New heavy tankers for Dimboola and Halls Gap brigades

The Nationals Member for Lowan, Emma Kealy has congratulated the Dimboola and Halls Gap fire brigades for their strong advocacy which has seen both brigades allocated new dual cab heavy firefighting tankers.

Ms Kealy said the new tankers would replace existing single cab tankers and significantly improve the safety of firefighters through more modern and enhanced crew protection systems.

“We live in one of the most fire prone areas in the world,” Ms Kealy said.

“This much-needed investment will ensure these brigades can continue supporting our local communities in times of emergency while keeping our fantastic volunteers as safe as possible.”

Ms Kealy said the new tanker was more good news for Dimboola, building on the construction of a new fire station last year after a long battle by the local community and CFA volunteers.

“I was proud to stand with the Dimboola community over many years in their fight for this new fire station, writing numerous letters to the Minister for Emergency Services and raising the issue in Parliament on several occasions over recent years,” she said.

“We rely heavily on our emergency service volunteers to protect us from fires, floods and natural disasters.

“It is important that we support those who support us, and I will continue to do all I can to ensure our local volunteers have access to the very best facilities and equipment available to get them home safely to their loved ones”.


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