Grants and awards | October 13, 2015
Next round of Local History Grants open
Emma Kealy, Nationals Member for Lowan is encouraging community groups to apply for the next round of funding available through the Local History Grants Program.
The next round of the Local History Grants Program has $350,000 for community projects that seek to preserve and share local history for the benefit of all Victorians.
“The Local History Grants Program is now accepting applications of up to $15,000,” Emma Kealy said.
The Program supports the efforts of community groups and organisations that collect and preserve the materials and memories from Victoria’s past. It aims to encourage collaboration and partnerships between volunteer groups to undertake projects as well as to develop skills and resources to support community collections.
Earlier this year Emma Kealy congratulated the Horsham Saints Cricket Club and the Horsham Historical Society on their successful applications from the 2014-15 round of Local History Grants.
“The Horsham Saints Cricket Club received $931.70 which they used to refurbish and digitally enhance club premiership photos dating back to 1947,” Ms Kealy said
“The newly enhanced premiership photos will be displayed in the upgraded Coughlin Park club rooms and copies will be provided to the Horsham Historical Society Inc.
“The Horsham Historical Society also received $1,100.00 to digitize old films.
“The long running Local History Grants Program provides small grants to community organisations to support the cost of projects that preserve record or publish Victorian local history,” she said.
“I am pleased to work with community groups across the Lowan Electorate and I encourage local groups to apply for this next round of Local History Grants,” Ms Kealy said.
The program is administered by Public Record Office Victoria and applications can be submitted online via before 5pm 30 November 2015.